How Do I Protect My Business From Flooding
There are many options for protecting commercial or industrial buildings from flooding.
What type of flooding might I get?
- Tidal / coastal flooding : usually very well forecast, with enough time to install temporary flood defences
- River (fluvial) flooding : Generally good warning time but longer duration flood event.
- Storm water floods (pluvial flooding): Little or no warning so permanent / automatic flood defences best. Generally arrives and recedes quickly.
How do I protect my business from flooding?
Tidal Floods
Tidal Floods usually have a good level of warning
What type of building I have.
- Brick/Block/Concrete walls with a few openings – just protecting the openings is more cost effective.
- Steel/cladding – Possibly consider a perimeter bund or wall with floodgates where you need access.
What resources I might have available
- If it’s an unmanned site, with not much flood warning time, then investing in permanent or automatic solutions is worthwhile.
- If a site is attended daily, and warning times or forecasting is good enough, then easy to operate manual floodgates can be a good solution.
- With a manned site, or good warning times for infrequent flooding then temporary / removable aluminium flood barriers are the ideal Consider where any removable flood barriers may be stored (the closer the better).
How do I protect my business from flooding?
Swing floodgates
Block walls can give a good level of protection for short term flooding– check mortar joints for cracks and apply a paint/ waterproof coating as well as protecting the openings.
What about the aesthetics of any solution?
- As temporary flood barriers are fully removable, they can be the best solution in terms of looks. Often, permanently fixed end channels can be concealed if suitable for the site.
- Some barriers can disappear below ground or to the sides of openings when not in use.
- Permanent solutions such as glass floodwalls can be pleasing to look at / use if specified correctly.
How do I protect my business from flooding?
Floodproof glass
Floodproof glass and sliding gate designed to fit into a new development
What are the costs for flood protection?
This will always depend on the layout, construction details, location, loads etc. However, as a rough guide, the level of pricing is as below:
Demountable/ temporary aluminium flood barriers – £1k x m2 of the opening
Permanent glass floodwall – £2k x m2 of the opening
Manual moving floodgates – £3k – £5k x m2 of the opening
Automatic / powered floodgate – £10k x m2 of the opening
How do I protect my business from flooding?
‘Flip Up’ or Rising Flood gates
Automatic ‘flip up’ flood gates that rise out of the ground when required.
This guide obviously covers the main above ground routes of flooding, however you should be sure to investigate all potential routes of flood water entry, including but not limited to; air bricks, below ground drainage, duct routes, mortar/building joints, basically anywhere that flood water can enter your building.